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ISI Consultant for Packaged Drinking Water Plant

Lalita Projects Pvt. Ltd

ISI Consultant for Packaged Drinking Water Plant as per IS 14543: 2016

Offered in the market at the most reasonable rate possible, the range of ISI Consultant For Packaged Drinking Water Plant services made available by us, is widely acclaimed and asked for in the market. the offered services are made available in the market, in compliance with the industry norms and guidelines, for reasons of quality standardization.

Other Details

  • Filling of application form in all respects, as per format
  • Finalization of testing equipments/instruments, as per ISI standards
  • Details of test procedures to be adopted
  • Details of the process of manufacture
  • Submission of the application form ,duly filled in along with testing equipments/instruments, detail of the test procedure, process of manufacture, other enclosures and required fee of the department
  • Selection of lab In charge ( having required qualification & experience) in order to carry out tests ,as per required standard
  • Fixing of inspection date to be conducted by technical official of BIS
  • Sealing of test samples of the manufacturing unit to be forwarded for conducting various tests, in accordance with the ISO standards from outside lab, recognised by BIS
  • In case, the test samples are found O.K., the client is accordingly informed in writing, along with the test results
  • Scheme of testing is finalized by BIS officials, in case the BIS certification is being awarded for the first time or the same is available
  • To deposit licence fee for issue of CML No. by BIS
  • BIS certificate is issued by the department, with one year validity
  • Re-issue of the certificate, after expiry of one year, after due inspection by BIS and deposition of renewal fee for the period.

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